Bug on Airport Authority of India website
This is first post for July month also I am posting after a gap of almost 15 days. With this post I am sharing some of my finding (BUGS) while surfing the internet.
Recently, I was browsing the website of AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF INDIA and observed two interesting bugs both functionality / usability wise
Bug # 1 – SIGN OUT function (link) available while searching for airports (User is not logged in)
Steps –
- Launch the site http://airportsindia.org.in
- On the left pane menu , click on passenger > airports > all airports
- On the map available, click on any airport for which flight schedules are not uploaded eg. RAIPUR
- Click on ‘Flight Schedules’ link – This step will take user to search flight page (URL - http://airportsindia.org.in/ServletController?action=site_flight_select)
Actual result – Notice the ‘Sign Out’ option available. User has not signed in / not asked to sign in yet. Clicking on this ‘SIGN OUT’ link navigates the user back to the home page. See the screen shot below