Nothing much to write about in this post as this is just a small sharing of information in reference to usability of mobile phones.
Recently, I bought Spice mobile QT-66 just two months back. This is the first time I am using any phone other than Noika. While using spice one, I observed two unusual things both in terms of normal usability and also when compared to Nokia devices. Observations are -
Whenever I disconnect a call without attending it then usually in Nokia devices this goes into RECEIVE CALLS but in my spice device the screen displays MISSED CALL and the entry also goes into the same option (MISSED CALLS)
Second observation is regarding the MESSAGE functionality. Whenever, I reply/type a message and then I opted to end the message screen by pressing the END key then the message gets saved into the OUTBOX folder. Usually it should be in DRAFT folder as per my usage of other devices / messaging software’s
Comments awaited on this…………………